Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Carried 60 liters of manure to the Exotic corner. A bit at a time it will rise... and hopefully shine. 540 liters of organic matter so far.

I ordered six bulbs (? I am sure they are not bulbs) of Colocasia esculenta. A bit late in the year of course, but it was such a good occasion. I hope to grow them on and overwinter them as kindly as possible, so they get a better start next year: roots that have been harvested and dried for mail delivery tend to take a long while to get into stride again.

And I received the promised Brugmansia seeds, with complete germination instruction, plus some of hybiscus (a surprise). The world of gardening is indeed "red in tooth and claw" (at least where snails and slugs and grubs and bugs are concerned, not to mention weeds and hail and mildew and late frosts) but it is also full of unexpected and heart warming generosity.

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