Thursday, June 5, 2008

Me and my plants moved in the new garden in early february. Many of them traveled with me in the Micra. I chucked out the back seats, and put all the dormant perennials in pots on the floor of the car. Then I laid flat boards on top, and loaded the smaller shrubs. So I had two layers of plants, and a large Hydrangea paniculata "Pinky Winky" on the passenger seat. I also had small alpine pans under the seats and box ball in front of the passenger seat. The bigger shrubs traveled in the truck. It was so crowded in there that the lighter packets were stuck between the branches of the larger plants. I could not possibly leave anyone behind! It was a bit scary to drive 1000 km with my car full to the ceiling of watching plants, they do not trust my driving (can't blame them there), but as a matter of fact we all arrived intact, even the cacti and agaves packed into the old file cabinet. We made it. Yeah!

"This is a fertile land... we will call it... This Land..."

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